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Biz-Zone Launches Sports Association Management Platform

January 26, 2011
Biz-Zone Launches Sports Association Management Platform

Building on the success of Association DNA, our fully integrated association management software (ams) platform, Biz-Zone is thrilled to announce the launch of Association DNA: Sports Edition!

Sports Edition was created to help provincial and national sports associations manage all aspects of their membership, including the role of each member and coaching certification levels.

Sports Edition was designed to allow associations to renew existing players, rather than starting with new data sheets at the beginning of each season. Even if a player's membership lapses for a season or more, you can still restore that person as an active player when they become a member again.

Using the Sports Edition of Association DNA, members can also pay their provincial dues online and update their personal information through a secure section of the association website.

A key feature of our new sports membership database is the abilty to create and manage elite teams. Once a team is set up, members can log in to accept a position on the elite team and make partial payments, online, against their elite team fees. This enables athletes to pay in installments, while simplifying the management process for the people behind the association, whether they are paid staff or volunteers.

When it comes to certifications, associations can choose to use the standard NCCP certification options or fully customize certifications, establishing their own names and categories.

In the back end, administrators can create new teams within the association and give specific members the ability to manage specific teams through the website. On the public website, a "find a team" feature makes it easy for players to search for teams within the association.

These are just a few exciting additions to our new, sports-specific association management software (ams) platform. To learn more about Association DNA: Sports Edition, please contact us to schedule a demo.

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Whether you need an association management system, content management system, new website or specialized web software, we can help you get a solution that is powerful yet easy to use.

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